Old memories

I have been typing and deleting, typing and deleting for the past 10 minutes because I don’t know how to start this post. I don’t have a specific topic to share or a great story to tell but I have the urge to type something! My friends, it’s 2am now and I am currently listening…


Hello, this is me sitting in front of my laptop typing something while listening to Naimononedari by Kana-Boon on full blast. I have been away from my laptop for weeks because exam ended like roughly two weeks ago but I feel like I want to pour my heart and soul right now!!! Haha kidding, I…

short update

Hello, it has been so long since I wrote something here. Humans have gone through halfway of 2020 but only now I feel like posting. I am at home not in my college room as I should have been especially during this time of the year. This is all because a pandemic that forces almost…

not-so-shocking things I’ve done in 2019

I was in the bathroom when I suddenly came up with an idea to write this, like why not, right? I think it is fun to select a certain memory that I have, scrutinize every each one of them and decide whether it is something I’ve never done before or not. Mind you I was…

life was warm then life was cold

Last year, a soul was crushed over a painful scene that haunted me for months. In the attempt of balancing the good and the bad, I chose the good. Disregarding the dark side, I started all over again. I was hopeful, positive, excited like a small child who discovers the sweetness of a candy for…


Feelings, if have a form, if we can see, would we crush it? As even without a form men cannot handle feelings. Is that why God made feelings invisible? Can’t be seen, can’t be touched. It’s just there, heavy. Draft: 7/10/2019

These too shall pass

So is it true, when you look at me through the corner of your eyes, your heart quivers with regret? Because when i do the same, i feel the same. Is it true, you regret the path you are choosing? Are you always so sure of everything you do or are you putting up a…

update mungkin?

  Hello people who read my blog, if any. If you read or occasionally visit here, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I have been wanting to update but I have been super lazy like SUUUUPER lazy. So, this is it, let’s jump into my rambling. It is now August, which…

To my 17 year old self

24th May 1997. On this day I was born into the world, the day that begins my journey on earth. 22 years later, I am still here — breathing, walking, thinking, living. I am now living in the present but my 17 year old self might want to know the future. Hello, silly girl. 24th…


Draft at 7:52am, 31/3/2019. Today, this particular night, I was thinking of names, those I love and loved dearly. The ups and downs for having that kind of emotion and affection, really got me thinking, “oh it changes you and alters your perspective”. The impact of love is undisputed. Few days ago, I played some…